Friday, October 10, 2008

Disciple-Scholar and Survey Results

When reviewing my survey results, I discovered what I've known all along: that I'm a procrastinator. I also got a little bit of a wake up call; if I don't change my study habits soon, then I'm gonna have a tough four year ahead of me. I also need to exercise, and I need to get more sleep, in order to keep my health and performance levels high. Hopefully I'll whip into shape and do what I need to do to have successful school year.

When deciding who my disciple-scholar hero was, I discovered that I didn't really have one. I decided upon James E. Talmage, a man of great humility and faith, but also of great amademic intellect. This is a man we should all strive to be like. If there were more people like him, imagine how much better this world would be to live in!

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