Thursday, January 15, 2009

Project #3

For my project this week I decided to share what I'd learned with my roommate Kenzie and her friend, Jacob. I talked to them about what I had learned about repentance in class today. Although I didn't actually learn something while teaching them, class helped me clarify a confusion that I'd had before. I'd read somewhere that we aren't supposed to repent everyday, yet we were being told to repent always. I learned that we aren't always repenting of huge things, but that by keeping Christ and his Atonement in our hearts, we are daily repenting. We are remembering the sacrifice of Heavenly Father's Only Begotten Son so that we could return and live with him again. Although repentance is a painful process, the Lord is the one who experienced the real pain; he is the only one that can wash away our sins, and the Atonement and God's grace are the only ways we can come to live with Him again. It is amazing that Jesus Christ loved us so much that he died for us. Although I don't remember him from the pre-existence, he remembers me while I am here. He loved me enough to die for my sins, me who is so unworthy. He died so all of us could have salvation. Yet everyday I do things that insult his sacrifice for us; we all do. Thanks heavens for repentance. Without it, we would all be lost causes. I know there are things that I need to work on in my life. I am not perfect, and none of us are; sometimes it seems impossible to be as Heavenly Father is, for he commands us to be perfect even as He is perfect. Yet, we can still live with Him again, through His and Christ's sacrifice. Heavenly Father felt so much pain to sacrifice His Son, but He loved us enough to support this plan of salvation. I hope that I can appreciate it more in the future, and come to love my Heavenly Father and my Savior as much as they love me. I hope I can come to love my fellow man in the same way, too, and that I will be humble enough to do what I need to do to live with my Heavenly Father again. We must all remember that repentance is an everyday thing, and that we should not procrastinate repenting of our sins, because one day it will be too late, and we will be judged for our works. Let us all strive to be a better people, and come to love one another even as Christ and our Father in Heaven loves us.

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