Friday, September 12, 2008

A Child of God

One of the key points in Elder Eyring's talk is that you can't become a disciple scholar without humility, and the way to gaining that humility is recognizing we are all children of our Heavenly Father. I think this is good information to know. I don't think we are always pondering the fact that we are our Father's children. It's not something that is always on everyone's mind, at least for me personally. This is a talk that brings this fact into awareness, and hopefully humbles people when they read it. I know that as teenagers, we have this attitude that we know everything. This article warns us about that mindset, because if we aren't humble we can't learn, and then we won't know everything.

I have a big problem with humility. I don't like to admit that I'm wrong, and a lot of times I feel embarrassed when I feel like I need to ask the teacher a question, and usually resort to asking my fellow students instead. Elder Eyring says that to be a "great learner," one must be accepting of criticism and correction, and should actually want it so that they can better. I know then that I'm not that great of a learner. I've always turned to fellow students for help with having essays read over or for help on math, but I'm always nervous to ask someone more experienced than I am, like a teacher or older student. If I want to be a great learner, though, I will need to ask for help from my teachers.

I am a very lazy person. I procrastinate on my work a LOT. However, Elder Eyring says that "For the child of God who has enough faith in the plan of salvation to treat it as reality, hard work is the only reasonable option." Do I not have enough faith in the plan of salvation? Apparanlty my actions don't seem to say that I do, even though I think with an eternal perspective a lot; however, according to this quote, I need to work my butt off to prove my faith. We should give Heavenly Father all that we can. I know that I don't, and this is not a good thing. I guess that I've never really thought that everything we do should be for Him. I've always been taught to choose the right, but now I'm learning that we should give Him our all. However, He gives us everything without question; He loves us more than we can ever know. How then can we not give Him all our love? It may seem like a big concept, to do everything for Heavenly Father; I know when I first read this that I was having thoughts like, "Everything?" Obviously, I've been touched by the world a little too much. However, we really have nothing, for everything we have, He gave to us; therefore, it's only fair that we give it back.

This article has taught me a lot. I never would've thought that in order to learn I had to be humble; usually one just thinks they need to be smart. But learning has such a stronger spiritual aspect to it than I think people know. I can only hope to gain more humility so that I can do the things that I need to and learn as much as I can.

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