Friday, September 19, 2008

Disciple Scholar Hula

So teaching the hula was easy. I walked outside and found three people and asked if I could teach them; one of the girls ended up being a former student of Univ 101, so she kind of knew it, but I taught/re-taught it to her anyway. On the paper they had to sign, there was a quote by Paulo Freire that read: "Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning." I've also heard something like this in a song Phil Collins wrote for the Tarzan soundtrack: "In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn." I don't know exactly what I was supposed to learn in teaching people a ridiculous hula. Everyone probably learns something different; they can meet new people, or learn something about a friend that they didn't know before. Maybe some learn to overcome their shyness, by having to step out of their comfort zone and teach something, to be the one in charge.

I don't know what I teach teachers. Maybe I teach them about myself; about my personality, my likes, dislikes, etc., and they can get to know me better through teaching me. Simply put, they learn about me. I know that when I taught piano, I had to learn some patience. Sometimes it wasn't always easy, like when a kid forgot to do their homework, or if they weren't getting something we'd been practicing for a while; it was frustrating. But looking back, they taught me that practice is SO important; when they practiced, they were so good at the next lesson. I also learned that different kids have different needs. One of the girls had a problem with rhythm, and so I suggested ways to improve her playing. One of the other girls was spazzy, and just crazy, and I wasn't as hard on her as I could've been, I think. If I had been more firm, she might've learned more under my direction. It was a learning experience for me to teach a child one-on-one; I had directed a chime choir for elementary school kids before, but that was dealing with a group of kids, not just one. I also started to learn how to teach piano. I think I would be better at it now than I had been when I started. We learn to be better teaches when we teach.

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