Friday, September 26, 2008


So doing this assignment made me realize some things:

1. I'm not a very good disciple scholar, because I'm not humble enough. I need to overcome my fear and pride of asking questions so I can do well in college.

2. I like working with my hands, which is something I've never really thought about doing as a job before. I would love to make a career out of it, but since I'm going to be an officer in the Air Force, I can't. I'm exicted to figure out my major today, because then I know what I'll be doing with my life for the next few years. I already know at least 10 of them will be spent in the military.

3. I am addicted to procrastination, and I need to overcome it, or college is going to suck for me.

This was a fairly easy assignment. I hated the paper, only because I hate writing with a passion. That is something I need to learn how to do better: write. I think career counseling is an awesome idea, and really helpful for people like me who don't know what to do for what they want to do. This assignment made me more self aware about some things, things that I need to work on. I learned about myself this time!

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