Thursday, February 12, 2009

Men are worth less than dirt...

I memorized Helaman 12:7; this is the scripture that talks about how men are more insignificant that the "dust of the earth." It is important to remember that we were created by our Father in Heaven, and that everything good comes from Him. Sometimes we get caught up in our lives, and we don't take the time to stop and thing about the blessings that God has given us, and we get a little prideful until God chastises us, or when we suffer afflictions and we return back to Him with a newly-humbled heart. We must withhold from being prideful in ourselves, for we are nothing; God is no respector of man. We are His creations, so would not everything that happens to us come from Him as well? We must not think that we are so cool, or that we generate our own success, because that is a lie. We should always remember to thank God in our prayers for what we have been given, and must remain humble in heart and contrite in spirit so that we will always remember Him, so we may have the chance to live with Him again.

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