Thursday, February 5, 2009


I read the references and comments about Helaman 1-7. A lot of it wasn't anything too extraordinarily new, just reiterating things I've heard in the past. I think the newest commentary I read were those about the "principles of sanctification." It says that sanctification 'is a process whereby fallen man is enabled to become pure, holy, and eventually free from sin.' It also says that this is done by the Holy Ghost, that it makes us want to be better. It says that '[h]ow much the Spirit cleanses or purifies depends on the obedience of the person.' We have to fast and pray, become more humble, become more faithful to God, and yield our hearts unto Him in order to be sanctified.

This reminds me of one of the talks we were supposed to read at the beginning of the semester, that said something along the lines that we wanted to have a change of heart, that we should want to become better than what we are. We are always needing to become better, because we aren't perfect. There will always be things we will need to work on to become a better disciple of Christ. But we will always have this option ready and open for us, because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to succeed; They want us to come unto Them and to obey the commandments so that we can live with Them again. We are so fortunate to have a God that loves us and wants us to succeed. I have been realizing the love that Heavenly Father has for us more and more this semester, and I noticed it again this week. He is so willing to help us, that it would stupid for us not to take advantage of the Atonement. We should strive to make sure that Christ's sacrifice was not in vain, that it was for a great purpose. But we can only make sure of this if we are willing to sanctify ourselves unto the Lord.

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