Friday, March 13, 2009

Journey of Faith: The New World

I watched the video Journey of Faith: The New World. Once again, I was definitely tired and fell alseep through some of it, but the video was totally awesome. I thought it was really interesting and made me realize some things that I guess I just hadn't fully thought about before. I always knew that the Aztecs and Mayas had been decended from the Lamanites, but I didn't actually think that they were them, that they actually built and lived in the famous cities that we always hear about in Central America. It kind of blows your mind a little bit, and just makes the Book of Mormon seem even more real. I know that I don't always register the fact that what we're reading actually happened, that I'm not just reading some story. The archeological proof like this just makes it all come to life.

I think it's kind of cool how they can approximate the location of all of the peoples from the Book of Mormon that lived in Central America based on the way they describe the shape of the land in the scriptures. Although we don't know for sure where exactly everyone was during the time of the Book of Mormon, we do know the general location.

One of the coolest things on the video was when they were talking about the time periods of the peaks of certain civilizations, and how they perfectly corresponded with the time of the peaks of certain Book of Mormon peoples. All of the things that have been discovered about the people in Central America at the time of the Book of Mormon are almost perfectly in sinc with what it says in the Book of Mormon.

One of the things they talked about was the importance of temples for the people of the Book of Mormon, and the fact that the pyramids we have come to know in Central America were the temples for the inhabitants of the Book of Mormon. I like that one of the people being interviewed said that there was no way Joseph Smith, living in the time that he did with the little amount of education that he had, would have been able to make this stuff up and be so accurate. It just confirms the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

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