Thursday, March 19, 2009

Project #7

I interviewed Rhiannon Merril about what she has been learning in Book of Mormon this semester. She said she's seen a lot of the pride cycle, and how dangerous it is, since it always destroys righteous civilizations. She said people don't even recognize they're in the pride cycle. She's also learned that Christ instituted His covenants and ordinances in ancient days; the things we have now are not just modern revelation. She said that the prophecies that we have now are kind of like clarifications for what was in the Book of Mormon. She also realized that everything in our church is in the Book of Mormon, that's it's not all modern revelation.

I think one of the main things that we can take from Rhiannon's comments is to stay away from the pride cycle. It is the downfall of every righteous civilization in the Book of Mormon and the Bible, so it can easily be our downfall in our imperfect and unrighteous world. If we do get caught in it, we need to realize we are in the cycle and get out as quickly as possible before we get too far in and can't get out.

We should also realize that the laws we have today have been the same for thousands of years, and that a lot of them are nothing new. The Book of Mormon was truly written for us, because it has many warnings for us to heed in these latter days. We should search these words diligently to guard ourselves from Satan, so that we will be able to return to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

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